Now my college Friend Marie, when told of the new living arrangements and the pink thing, suggested I take that M pillow (click on "my bedroom" above), put on some spike heels, get scantily clad, and do a little victory dance in front of my bedroom window. Huh? Well, putting aside that Marie is a little wacky, a whole lot funny, and incredibly supportive, why would I dance in front of my bedroom window?
Have any of you out in blogger world ever wondered just exactly how close is "next door"? Let me show you, my cyberfriends.....
How's that for close??
I kid you not, this is the view from my bedroom window...
And in case you think I'm exaggerating, here's a view with my interior window in the photo.
Yep, that's is junk out there, his window in mine. I can almost hear the toilet flushing over there...I lived in that house for 2 months while the twins were "cooking" - lived there a couple months when we were between houses before the twins were born. Lived there between SC and spain when the twins were 2.5 years old. I know that house.
Jenn at Juggling called me "bold." I think I might be just "stupid."
I'm sticking with bold. You put your kids first. I'd venture to say that next door means the world to them.
Hey!! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog -- I was really wondering what your story was, after reading Jenn's bloggy award speech. I've got to do some more research before I start asking, "WHY???"
Wow. When you said next door, you meant NEXT! DOOR!
Holy Peeping Tom, Batman.
My ex and I live on the same .25 acre square of land. We share a backyard but thankfully it's on a slope so I can see him but he can't really see me. Hah. It does make shlepping the child back and forth easy though.
No, not stupid.
But that is close. hey, it works for the kids right?
You can move one day...when the kids are in college. It will be sooner than later. Then someone else can hear his toilet flush.
Wow! That's close! I figured there was a little more space between the side yards at least!!
You, my blogging sister, are one of the most resilient, tough, and tenacious people I've ever met in the blogosphere. My hat is off to you.
I think all that I can say is "wow."
Holy Mother of God!! I honestly do not see how you do it....i'm bowing down in your direction!!!:-D
Funny...when the first picture came up on the screen, I sort of thought it would look really good looking through a know...from a high powered rifle...but, at that close range, you really wouldn't need too high power, would you?!?!
So...when the kids graduate, will this arrangement continue....or are you outtathere?!?!
Holy crap.
Girl, I say brave!
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