Tuesday, August 23, 2011

At Last! I have ARRIVED

The rooms were all empty...it should have been satisfying after 8 weeks of packing.  After 2 years of planning.  After Eons of dreaming.  But instead, it was just sadly devastating.

The kids and I spent the last night on air mattresses, telling stories, crying, laughing, being together.  Early the next day, Daughter headed out early for work.  I gathered the last of my belongings, said goodbye to Stinky Butt....

Hells yes that's me crying my eyes out and Son trying to make me forget.  Ironically, this is in Ex's house....next door....

And then, the hardest thing I've had to do in a long time.  I had to drive away.  With Son standing in the driveway.  Crying along with me....

 I had made the drive south on 95 before.  I stopped in SC overnight, having cried my way through 3 1/2 states.  I awoke the next morning and finally crossed a new border I had never crossed by car.  And I was tear free!!!

 Queen Bee slept through it all....

 I began to see sunrises and opportunities I hadn't seen before...

And before I knew it - I almost missed it - My Welcome Home Sign!!!

BUT WAIT what's this??!!  Found in the "Welcome Center"  You are kidding right?  Because I am driving 600 miles right back North if you are serious!!!!!!

After 2 days and 1000 miles, I was happy when the miles left to go equaled my MPH....

No More Tears.  We are almost home!!!  (What?  Driving and taking photos?  Hey I'm not texting....)

Yeah, that's my exit...

Laughing at myself.  "WHAT  They give away POOLS here?  Love it!!  .....oh wait they mean like billiards....

I recognize this sign from the rental photos I saw on line!!
What, you didn't know I rented this without actually seeing it in person?!
Yes I trust the Captain THAT MUCH.  HE picked it out...

Queen Bee Sniffs the new turf....

No more tears.  Ahhhh yes, this is what the moving, the upheaval, the packing, the tossing, the trashing, the selling, the crying, the broken nails, bruised limbs, sleepless nights, THIS is what life is all about.....

Queen Bee Agrees...

OK oK so we didn't have any furniture yet.  We had love.  And the Captain loves my dog.  OUR dog....





Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

It all seems perfect--from boyfriend to blog title. Congratulations! And I bet your kids can't wait to bring their friends to your new place.

Cyndy Bush said...

LOVE IT!! The new life, the new place, the new blog........all of it. Except for the tears - no more of those allowed! =)

Gigi said...

Oh congrats! I imagine leaving was hard; but think of the future and all it has to offer!

Busy Bee Suz said...

If it makes you feel any better, I cried when you left too. :(
Starting over; takes a LOT of guts. Kuddos to you...I hope you are happy happy happy. ANd it looks like you are.
ps. If you ever venture across I-75 {alligator alley} give me a ring!

ChiTown Girl said...

OMG, I almost can't type through all my tears!!

I'm SO happy for you, so they're mostly tears of joy. I LOVE the picture of you and the Captain. Gee, did you two miss each other? ;-)

Let me know when you're all settled so I can invite myself down for a visit. And, we'll have to get Suz to join us!!

I love the new blog name, by the way. Even if I didn't come up with it. hahaha!

ChiTown Girl said...

Ok, I came back once I stopped crying, and realized I forgot a couple of things.

First, I LOVE your new header photo!!

Second, your son is adorable and looks so much like you!

Third, I love that you, too, take pictures while you drive. ;-)

Fourth, are Jenn and Gigi, the same person, or is it just me?

Ok, I'm finished.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Fantastic! Love the new digs, love the new blog name. Moving is such an ordeal, and you've made a major change, but you are embracing life, and that's what it's all about, isn't it? Congratulations!!

dkuroiwa said...

your new place (apartment and bloggy space!) are awesome.
Congragulations on this....it just feels so right, doesn't it?

LOVE the title!! it's perfect!

Ramona Norwood said...

I'm cheering for you! Congrats!

Cristy said...

Oh I love your new name and I'm so excited for your new adventures! Out with the old (dirtbag!) and in with the new!!

Deb said...

Love everything about your new site, new posts, new home, new life, new job, (and not so new)love.

Many blessings as you begin this new chapter.

Shirley said...

Great new blog name. Having experienced a relocation earlier in the year, I identified with how difficult it is to let go and found myself actually crying along with you. You're blessed to have something concrete to go to. I sorta just stepped out on faith and faith is still all I have. But I see we both landed near the beach. So, if you gotta go, near the beach is not a bad place to land. Good luck with everything.

Jason, as himself said...

You made it! It all looks so exciting. I wish you the best in your new home and your new state!

TAG said...

Outstanding. Glad things are going so well.

Hummm.... seem to recall someone predicting this would be a really great thing. Who could that have been?

You go girl.