Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sounds of the Season

Part II of the "Back in Time while I'm at Trial" postings.

Son is a rather accomplished Pianist. With GreatGrandparents who were in Jazz Bands and had their own radio shows to Grandparents who play anything by ear to an Uncle who is a composer/musician and plays any darned instrument to Parents who played Piano and [mom] Sax and marched in the band, and lots of aunts and uncles who performed in various music groups, we are, well, OK - We've Cornered the Market on Band Geeks. I admit it.

one time, at band camp....

But one Sound, one simple thing, takes away the grime and grump of the day. One moment is all it takes to make me forget that sometimes Life is Hard, or Not Fair, or JustPlainSucky. And especially at Christmas, this Sound, Vince Gerialdi (i can't spell) coming from This Boy...sigh....

When I see this Boy at This Instrument, time stops, and all is well. (yes he is wearing an oxford and a tie. Just because that's what he wears every day. He no longer notices and forgets to remove it upon entering the house. Just adds to the ambiance if you ask me).

10 years of "I have the Itchies - I can't Practice." and "I HATE THIS PIANO" and "I WANT TO QUIT" and "YOU CAN'T MAKE ME PRACTICE." And "I HATE YOU MOMMY AND I HATE THIS PIANO AND I HATE MUSIC" all become worth it when I can't tear him away from the keyboard long enough to do anything, even eat. Who knew?


ChiTown Girl said...


that's all!

Sugee Andersyn said...

That's awesome, you should take a little video if your camera allows :)

Feisty Irish Wench said...

In high school, my husband was a drummer geek, I was a euphonium (baritone) geek, and now our oldest has taken up violin. Our youngest (she's 6) sits in on the choir at church, and our middle one...eh, he just enjoys music for the sake of listening.

word verf: merch - South Park's Drill Instructor giving orders to "Merch, Merch, Merch, Halt!"

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I can see why that would touch a mother's heart.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to read this! Because I am pushing my son to continue with lessons too. At six, he's been playing for a year. In front of his teacher performing, he beams and loves every second. At home, he fights me and squirms and twitches. He doesn't like the rigor. But he loves getting a piece right and performing. This gives me the encouragement I needed that I'm doing the right thing. And I love Vince Guaraldi too.

Katy said...

The band camp line in American Pie KILLED ME! I laughed so hard I about died. Because I was in orchestra and went to band/orchestra camp which was a HOTBED of teenage hormones!

Very cool!