Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Christmas Hunt

Part III In the Christmas Past Posting While Trial Continues in Chicago...

Once there was a boy who wanted wanted wanted wanted Guitar Hero IV World Tour for XBOX 360....until 4 days before Christmas. And then he changed his mind. With no time for returns, Santa said, "What the hell, let's make him work for it anyway."

And so, of the many apparant LLBEAN Boxes under the tree this year (Santa decided they needed gloves and liners and warm layers), there was this ONE - LAST - BOX apparently "mislabeled" "to mom from mom." Nope it was to Son...


Hmmmmm I already got the Gloves and Sox and Layers I want.....too small to be a cool ski parka...

Hair color? No wait that's just a ruse. There's a note on the box top....."Not Under the Tree must you look, but in the pages of an Old Old Book...."

To the Guest Bedroom, in the pages of his Great-Uncle Ed's Mark Twain Adventures of Huck Finn, he finds another note, "PSYCHE not here either - that's just a TOOL to send you to the Garage, where there might be more in my Trunk than just JUNK."

Clearly on to our game, he makes of us and here's his Mock Excitement.....

Sure enough, it's just a clue. "Ha Ha Ha you're halfway there, now to the Office for a box, don't despair!"

He saw the "wrapped" box but didn't believe. He finally took out the verrrrry heavvvvy box and unwrapped it. To find his own weights and some empty christmas tree lights boxes...and, of course, a note...."

"It might be worth the scour of the shower to find a tower waiting there...."

But alas, no tower of presents. Just another Pink Envelop with a note....

"It's been under your nose the whole time. Look under the stairs in a box waiting there...." And he immediately knew to find the new empty Artificial tree Box that was stuck under the basement stairs...

Yep, World Tour Guitar Hero. Daughter and I LOVE it. He's still deciding......whatev'


Busy Bee Suz said...

This is so great...he is SO cute too.
What a cool mom you are...going through ALL that extra trouble. You deserve an award!!!!

Whatev. :)
Hope all is going well in Chitown.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Guitar Hero World Tour has been a bigger hit here with the sibling it was not a gift for also.

Great way to give a gift. I hope the trial is going well.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

What a fun idea! I hope he ends up liking the gift.

Cassie said...

Great blog! It's so late I don't even remember how I got here,but glad I did. Your cookies looked yummy.Blessings on your head.

ChiTown Girl said...

That was too cute!