That's my windowledge where I collect diet cokes until I take the long 20 foot walk down the corridor to the pantry where the recycle bin is. So how many days - or hours - of diet cokes do you think that represents? Hmmm? And for those of you who know me - those are only the ones consumed in my office . The 5.a.m. and 7:30a.m. on my way to work ones aren't there, nor the on-my-way-home ones....
Go ahead. Guess. The answer will scare you....
what - a prize? you want a prize??? ok ok winner gets my book I'm reading that I won from Mama Milton...Angry Conversations With God
This book totally rocks my socks.

So drop a comment and a guess and please oh jeez leave me an email so I know where to contact the winner.
Contest closes.....ummmm....Saturday April 25 9 a.m. EDT.....
I think it's only 3 days worth of Diet Coke, one in the morning, one at noon and one in the afternoon.
I'm gonna go with 2 days. I know I could do it in two days, easily.
I used to be a DC addict--I could see that being 1 day's worth. I'm totally clean now--well accept for the occasional one in a bar with friends!
I would have to guess that's it's about 8 hours worth of diet coke. :-)
I going with 10 hours.
And I might suggest a Diet Coke addicts meeting also. :)
1 days worth
And one of your working days would be about 12 hours!
How close is the ladies room to your office?
I'm guessing between when you arrive in the morning and when you have lunch.
Is that ONE day? I have a friend who used to drink 10-12 a day so it would not TOTALLY shock me.
I try try try to limit myself to one or two. Plus a cup (or four) of coffee a day. My doctor just shakes his head at me...
I'm thinking a day and a half.
I completely and totally understand the addiction - I'm a Diet Pepsi freak. 10-12 cans a day, almost every day - can't live without it!
I'd say that collection of cans was from about 3 hours.
Well crap, I still have one day to guess, and basically all percentages of 1 day are taken, plus a solid 1,2,and 3. Hmmmm.... my girlfriend is a diet pepper freak and literally could drink 6 in a day, so I'm going with 3 days. Not for the prize since I'm LAST, but just guessin'.
Don't you have to pee all the time? I'd be swimming down the office hallways!
I think it's 1 days worth. Maybe even just after lunch!! With your schedule you need it....
I would guess 3 days?!
I know I am too late for the contest, but wanted to tell you I love your blog.
I would guess about 2 hours 15 minutes.
okay...so i'm really late to the game but just let me say that after i saw the cans of REAL diet coke, i had a hard time concentrating!! we have two different kinds of 0 calorie coke, but. no. gold. can. diet. coke. dammit.
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