Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday brought to you by Island Life.
I need an easy Friday post, so I've joined her Aloha Friday. She explains:
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the
weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting,
Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that
requires a lengthy response. Post your answer in my comments.
My question of the week for you:
Have you ever spent a holiday alone? If yes why? If no, would you want to?
My answer: I am spending my first holiday alone this Sunday: Easter. The kids are away with their dad. My family is too far away (because my work schedule will not allow me to travel to them) and I am not comfortable spending it with the Ex's family. So I will go to church alone - although I will sit with friends there - and then I will come home. I have plans to spend the
day with friends, but we are doing a very UnEastery, UnReligious thing by going to a Steeple
Chase. It will be fun, but weird. This is Easter after all.
day with friends, but we are doing a very UnEastery, UnReligious thing by going to a Steeple
Chase. It will be fun, but weird. This is Easter after all.
No suits and ties.
No Easter Egg Hunt.
But I am not sad. Just experiencing something different.
I spend a lot of holidays alone, and this one is no exception. I actually don't think much about it anymore. I like the solitude most of the time!
I hope yours is a good one!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Your last sentence says it all. Different is not always bad.
The only child that will be here for Easter is my 16 year old son who is so not going to dye and hunt for Easter eggs on his own. Scrabble instead I'm thinking.
I spend the holidays with my family. I haven't spent one alone yet.
Hmm. . . I don't think I have?? Our kids are now 29 & 30, and so far we've been lucky enough to be with them every Christmas, but not the other holidays! I LOVE that you live next door to your ex! Your kids are so lucky to have parents who are doing what is best for the kids - that's so awesome!
When my husband has been out to sea I have spent Halloween and Valentine's Day alone....
Hmm No I dont think I ever have spent a "big" holiday alone. Some have been lonely lol but I never was alone. :)
Yes, by choice, to me most holidays are not that important, I am not depressed or anything, I just like some alone time. Also, living next to your ex is no big deal, when I was growing up, we lived next door to my mom's ex, lived with my mom's ex, worked with my mom's ex, who was in turn working for my mom's future ex, and that is just the tip of the iceburg. My parents have 9 divorces between them.
I have never had a holiday alone...that I can remember.
Enjoy your new experience!!! New is good. :0
(I used to visit IslandLife all the time but for some reason haven't been for awhile...thank you for reminding me that she's there!!)
Spend a holiday alone? It hasn't happened very often...as I am usually the one to make sure that on one is alone on "insert holiday name here". (We ended up with 65 people in our teeny-tiny house one Christmas because I can't stand the thought of someone being alone!!)
About 17 years ago, I was alone on Christmas Day...here in Japan, if you're not with other foreigners on this day, it's really "just another day". I was a little sad, but, that night, I got on a train and went to Kyoto to do some sightseeing and the adventure of all that made me forget, if just for a bit, how frickin' homesick I was. I will never do that again...be by myself, that is...Kyoto was great! :-D
Tomorrow? I actually forgot about it being Easter...yes, I'm a pagan...what can I say?!
I don't ever remember spending a holiday alone. I have more family than you can shake a stick at, and most of them live pretty close to me. I'm a very lucky gal. Ha! Sometimes, at the end of a holiday with those crazy folks I almost wished I had spent it alone.
I've never spent a holiday alone. I think if I did I would be heading to the sun..or at least a tanning bed (I know they are bad for you) and a pedi. Have a restful day!
On another note, I tagged you in my blog today. C'mon over and take a peek!
No, I've never spent a holiday alone. I have a big extended family. I've been with my husband for 16 years and he has 12 siblings so there's no alone time in the future either!! Sometimes I would like to spend it alone with just my children and husband. That's about as "alone" as I'm going to get...for now.
Enjoy your day doing something different!!
Much love from NJ,
I don't think I ever spent a holiday alone. I may have a few times in college though. Usually so long as I have a big supply of chocolate then I am good to go.
Small family + passage of time = lots of holidays alone.
It's fun to be surrounded by love and activity, and also nice to skip the stress and create new, quieter traditions (such as ham and pineapple pizza for Easter dinner).
P.S. I hope and predict you will have a great time at the steeplechase. Can't wait to hear your impressions!
With the kids grown & gone, I have been waking up each holiday alone, but my family is in town and we always get together.
It took awhile to get used to the quiet holiday mornings without the chaos from the kids........but it's ok.
Life changes and you just move on. The only bright side, is I don't have to fight someone for the shower......
Happy Easter!
No I haven't. I can't imagine it either. I'm glad you're not sad. I think I would have to sleep or watch a good movie after church. Treat yourself that is for sure!
I've tried to celebrate holidays alone, but most of my holidays are religious and church people "adopt" me. Often I was grateful. Once or twice I wasn't. Overall, I prefer to be with people...
No, I never have, but I would sure like to!
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