Thursday, September 23, 2010

Have you Ever...??

So have you ever gone to a conference and gone out dancing at a party thrown by a company in your industry where there's an open bar and lots of drinking and dancing? And you are hanging with a woman/potential client who, incredibly, doesn't like dancing so when she calls for SHOTS you do some with her anyway even though you never do them because you are a lightweight? And then you start dancing and entertaining her and end up dancing with an adorable gentleman who you realize is incredibly fit, particularly for his age ? And then he tells you he owns a fitness company and so yeah he has rock hard abs? And so you decide to do a little claim substantiation on the dance floor? But then you forget to get his name and really you wouldn't have remembered it anyway? And so the next day you're at your booth and wondering if you really had that conversation on the dance floor and figuring out of 3700 people you'll never see him anyway when all the sudden he appears at your booth? Or maybe it's him because you're not really sure and now he's in a gorgeous suit and appears slightly older than you remember in your haze (which is, thankfully, older than you are) - and he smiles that "I have met you smile" from across the booth....and starts talking to your Boss Man whom he obviously has known for a really long time?? And then it turns out 1) yes it is the same guy and 2) he's pretty famous and on TV and has trained lots of other famous physically fit people but apparently because you never watch TV you are the only human being on the planet who has no idea who he is?

Yeah, me neither.


Kacy said...

ha ha....anything that starts with SHOTS can never end well:)Just started reading your blog, love it, you crack me up!!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

The things I miss out on because I always say no to the shots!

Gigi said...

Yeah, those shots will get you every darn time....

ChiTown Girl said...

bwah hahahahaha!!!!

J.G. said...

I've been to a few of those parties, but I never heard anyone call it "claim substantiation" before.

Katy said...

Oh. My. God. Did you hyperventilate or vomit on the spot. I TOTALLY would have. Hence my lack of corporate high-powered career. You rock!

dkuroiwa said...

hahahaha!! laughing out loud over here!!!
i gotta travel with some new people because YOUR results of doing shots are waaaay better than mine EVER were!!
(i have had that, "do i know you? i should know you. how do i know you?" feeling...many times. heh heh heh....aaah, the things we can talk about over margaritas (not shots!) some day!!

Unknown said...

Too funny.

I always remember - don't drink a lot of red wine the night before one's visit to the U.S. Supreme Court. I ended up "baby sitting" two fellow AF JAGs who had waaay too much to drink. One almost had an accident on the Supreme Court's new carpet.