Tuesday, September 14, 2010


This Blogger has officially been Buried.....under an avalanche of work commonly known as the "back to school = back to court" lifestyle of the litigator. No I do not know why litigation is cyclical. Judges are back in the courtrooms, people are ready to sue. Stranger than fiction.

So Buffett pictures are coming, school updates are coming, life updates are coming.

As soon as I unbury myself......


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

When there is a nip in the air our thoughts automatically turn to . . . litigation?

I hope the digging out goes quickly!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Just don't get too buried that you can't breathe!!!

ChiTown Girl said...

Can I send you a shovel? ;-)

dkuroiwa said...

You go be the "little litigator that could"....'i think i can, i think i can, i know i can'

i'll send a shovel, too!

Katy said...

Back to school = lawsuits, that's a weird corrolation! LOL

I've got an award for you back at my blog. A.K.A. an easy post to write. Heh.

Good luck with getting unburied!